Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here we goooo

Welcome. If you are looking for excitement, intellect, perfect grammar, or deep insight, keep looking. This blog is really, just to amuse myself. Also, my mom is a fan of my writing style and suggested I get one started. She is my mother though, so she's biased. However, this could be fun!

What do I plan to "blog" about you ask? Well, I suppose I will share my opinion on movies I've recently watched, the most current episodes of "Dexter", new recipes I am trying, the stupid things that occur throughout my day and updates on this journey I am beginning.

I'm 26 years old, starting school in January for the first time in 10 years and in March I am moving in with a friend to be her live in nanny.

I will be going to school to get an Associates in Social Sciences-Teacher Education. I want to be a teacher, enter Nanny Nuff (that's me, soon). My friend, Kerry, will be popping out kid #2 in January. Her other child is 12 years old. So, I will be watching baby during the day and going to school at night. It's the perfect set up. She gets affordable child care, I get to live rent free and have nights and weekends off, and I get to play with a baby all day. I know, I know, "it's gonna be hard work bla bla bla babies are bla bla bla attention bla bla crying and changings". I know, and I'm down with all that!

So I guess once school and nannyness starts I will be writing about that, if I have time...

Till then, I will be writing complete nonsense, so you're probably wasting your time reading this crap. Ha.

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